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1-Step Guide Adding HTTPS Canonical URL Link In WordPress/Blogger | Resolve Duplicate Content Issue

The first thing you need to understand is what does canonical link means. Canonical link is an HTML element and used to let the search engine know about which is the original URL amongst all of the variants of your website links available over the internet. All top brands like Google, Yahoo & Microsoft started to support canonical links and it was announced in February 2009. Online publishers, bloggers etc. were informed to insert canonical link element in their <head> section of their website template HTML. This is to prevent duplication of content issues. In this post, I'll explain to you in more details. Adding HTTPS Canonical URL Link
Blogger used to search answers to these questions on Google; how do I use canonical link? What is canonical link in SEO? What is link rel canonical? Do I need a canonical tag? How do you implement canonical tags? Should every page have a canonical tag? What is canonical issues SEO? And so on...

To make it simpler, the canonical link element is helpful to clear the search engines that which page should be treated as the original or preferred one.

Canonical link code inserted on a page such as https://www . yourwebsiteurl . com/page.php?parameter=1 is for letting the search engine know that https://www . yourwebsiteurl . com/ is the original or preferred version of the website.

Your website can be opened with many parameters like with 'WWW' or without WWW, with 'HTTP' or without 'HTTPS', with mobile versions like '/?m=0' or many other formats. All those links are nothing but your website page. But to know the search engine about the authentic URL or link, every web developer needs to add canonical URL link in the HTML body of each page. Read more »

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