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25 Best Free AMP Blogger Templates 2019 To Speedup Your Loading Speed

The idea behind creating a website varies from sharing your expertise, info to promoting the products or services. Everyone has a different way to express their knowledge and also push their products online via websites. But one thing you must require that a best clean website. You must have a nice template, that must be SEO friendly, mobile-friendly, Adsense ready and fast loading. Let's check out most required free AMP best blogger templates that you can't ignore. I have shared the most popular, best-selling, premium quality APM Blogger templates for your business, eCommerce, company, blog, affiliate marketing sites. Here you will find the fastest loading and Ultra-SEO friendly APM blogger templates featured with rich snippets to identify all parts of your website and are listed in SERP as well. Accelerated Mobile Pages (APM) —
Before moving onto the list of effective APM blogger template, first, we will have to explore more on what this AMP means. People love to ask so many questions on Google like; What is Google accelerated mobile pages? What is AMP format? What is the AMP page in SEO? What does Google AMP do? What is the AMP website? Do amps require https? How is AMP created? and so on.

Google announced Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in the month of October 2015. This is a framework allowing you to create fast-loading mobile pages for your website. This is a specially designed open-source platform. And it allows the publishers to improve the speed. It also helps website owners to give the best possible user experience for their readers on Mobiles. AMP page loads faster on low internet speed as well and hence readers don't have to wait for pages to get loaded. So, the majority of publishers, site owners etc. are adopting this latest and efficient technology.

The most powerful advantage of AMP is that it does not cut the ad revenue. So basically, the AMP is a path to create fast-rendering pages for mobile devices. There are 3 basic functionalities; AMP HTML, AMP JS and AMP CDN on which APM works. Also, SEO Optimization is equally important for developing the template which helps to increase the traffic. You may refer to this article to learn more on these 3 functionalities: Getting Started with Accelerated Mobile Pages (APM) | Know More About AMP Project Read more »

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