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AffiliateWP Lifetime Commissions - v1.2.5 NULLED

AffiliateWP Lifetime Commissions - v1.2.5

Allow your affiliates to receive a commission on all future purchases by the customer.

The Lifetime Commissions add-on links a customer to an affiliate, allowing the linked affiliate to receive a commission on all future purchases by the customer. Lifetime commissions is a huge incentive for any affiliate looking to promote your products and services. Your affiliates will work much harder to get linked to a customer, and as a result your sales will increase dramatically. Since the affiliate and the customer are linked, the affiliate will still be awarded a commission even if the customer clears their browser cookies or uses a different computer.

How it works

When a customer clicks on an affiliate’s referral URL and makes a purchase from your website, they’re instantly linked to the affiliate. When the customer returns to make another purchase on your website, the linked affiliate will receive a commission, even if they visit your website directly. A customer can only be linked to one affiliate at a time. If the customer makes a guest purchase (logged out) their email address is used to look up the linked affiliate. If they are logged in their WordPress user ID is used. Additionally, if the customer ever uses a different email address while purchasing (logged in) or changes their email address from their WordPress profile, the new email address is stored with the linked affiliate. This ensures that if the customer ever makes a purchase while logged out, the linked affiliate will still receive commission on the sale.


Lifetime Commissions currently supports the following integrations:

  1. Easy Digital Downloads
  2. WooCommerce
  3. iThemes Exchange
  4. Gravity Forms
  5. Ninja Forms
  6. Paid Memberships Pro
  7. Restrict Content Pro

If you’d like to see a specific integration that isn’t listed let us know.


  1. You will make more overall sales as affiliates work harder to promote your products and services.
  2. An affiliate is guaranteed a commission when a linked customer makes a purchase even if the customer clears their browser cookies, makes a purchase using a different computer, or purchases while logged out (guest purchase).
  3. Affiliates can be linked to multiple customers, meaning more traffic to your website and more sales.


  1. Enable lifetime commissions for all affiliates on your website, or on a per-affiliate level.
  2. Enable lifetime referral rates for all affiliates on your website, or on a per-affiliate level.
  3. Link any customer with a user account to an affiliate right from within the WordPress admin. The linked affiliate will then receive commissions on all future purchases from the customer.
  4. De-link any customer currently connected to an affiliate.
  5. Transfer any customer from an existing affiliate to a new affiliate from within the WordPress admin.

DEMO AffiliateWP Lifetime Commissions v1.2.5

Demo and More Info

AffiliateWP Lifetime Commissions - v1.2.5 NULLED FREE DOWNLOAD

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