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Facebook Addiction | 25 Common Mistakes & Solutions You Should Consider While Using FB

A recent study has reinforced about gaining psychological insights into Facebook & a review issued by the 'Public Library of Science' — written by Kross, E., University of Michigan & Philippe Verduyn of Leuven University, Belgium, which expressed that the more someone uses Facebook, the less satisfied he is with his life. But those who fought themselves to get join or get logged-in to the Facebook feels right when they read this article. Psychology of Facebook Addiction
Learn more about what can you learn about people from Facebook? And about the psychology of Facebook, why Facebook is so addictive? Why we like, comment and share, Why this happening about Facebook? Why people are addicted but still not happy with Facebook? What are the advantages & disadvantages of Facebook? What insecure people post on Facebook? All those FB postings are shameless attention-seeking? Why is Facebook also becoming a part of our life these days? What is this Facebook all about? How is this FACEBOOK affecting our whole attention? And how to be productive on Facebook?

Learn how to use Facebook productively and meanwhile, keep a note that, it's not only related for you but for your living life. Read more »

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Bảo Phúc Automatic Gates & Doors
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