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6 Best Ways To Protect An eCommerce Shopping Site [Online Store] Against Hacks & Frauds | Best Security Practices

Have you taken enough steps to prevent your eCommerce website? Does your site is secure enough to fight against cyber criminals? According to the cybercrime reports, 60% of e-businesses are attacked in their startup of first six months. In most of the time, phishing & hacking are most common things occurred with and for the fraudulent payments. And to minimize the risk and to protect both yourself and your customers against the digital attacks you need to follow quick essential & actionable steps as described below. Protect Online Shopping Site Against Frauds, Hacking & Digital Attacks:
Web developers used to search for; how to secure & protect eCommerce websites? How to fraud protect your ebusiness? How to secure eCommerce platform & sensitive customer data? How to build secure eCommerce website? How to make shopping site secure? How do I know a site is secure? How do you protect your website that fights against hacking to save sensitive customer data from being stolen? How to safeguard most secure credit card for online purchases on your online store? Any eCommerce fraud protection tips, online payment security tips and so on...

The online shopping is everywhere, and it becomes so common for the user with the mobile phone in hand used to compare the products by various shopping sites. As because a convenient alternative to the traditional shopping; in last few years the growth of eCommerce business has increased remarkably the momentum (still/will) keep progressing upwards in 2019-20 as well. And the online transactions has now become an essential part of our daily lives. On the other hand; this new internet trend has also resulted globally in the increased risk of security threats like virus attacks, DOS attacks, phishing attacks, ransomware, malware or spyware used for stealing, destroying or modifying sensitive customers’ data. Shopping sites are targetting in stealing social security numbers, credit card information & other customer confidential data. According to a threat report, more than 25000 websites are hacked per day in 2015. As we have now arrived in 2019, this statistic has possibly grown even bigger.

Hackers are always in the pursuit of social security numbers, credit card details and other confidential data from the eCommerce sites. For any shopping site and their online retailers, the website security is the primary consideration to run a successful online business; so keeping a close eye on security is most important for every eCommerce retailer.

If the customer or buyer found your shopping site is not secure then all your promotion and marketing efforts will fail to drive desired results in no time. Even a comparatively minor breach can be damaging to customer confidence, and so security for eCommerce websites should be the first concern for every eCommerce site owner. As a web developer with an eCommerce store, it’s your first job to keep your website secure to stop hackers and prevent customer data loss. As a web designer, online security should top the list of all your priority. With the right approach, you cannot just only save your e-business, but also sensitive customer data.

Here, I walk through the best security practices that all eCommerce retailers that'll help to make sure that the website is secure & safe to fight again hacks & frauds preventing online hacking to run the online shopping site business successfully. Read more »

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