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Expanding Your Restaurant? 6 Ways To Ease The Transition

how to expand your restaurant business ways grow food service company

Any business requires a few things to keep pushing the boundaries of what they can achieve. Things like having the right workforce, the right resources, hard work, and focus can do wonders over a while. 

People are going through tough times currently, and watching the world change right in front of them. Those who adapt can not only survive but thrive on this. Not everyone can afford to build their new restaurant as grandiose or innovative as they imagined. Initially, it would take time, but the day will come when you're finally able to have the restaurant of your dreams. 

The journey isn't simple, but here are six ways in which you can make the transition easier: 

1. Get Customer Feedback 

There is an adage: 'Customers know best.' This point cannot be stressed enough. And so, when you are looking to expand, your customers will be your best guides. Engage them, find out what they like about your restaurant and what else could keep them coming back. 

Studies show 92 percent of consumers trusted personal recommendations and opinions from acquaintances over any other form of advertisement. Use this to your advantage. A happy customer is more than likely to help you expand faster. 

2. Upgrade Your POS 

Steve Jobs was notorious for pushing everyone to keep things as simple as possible. This philosophy has propelled Apple to be one of the biggest names in the world today. The smoother you can help your customers travel through the sales funnel, the better their experience is bound to be. 

In the restaurant landscape, having a POS system that works to augment your sales is a must-have. Integrating your POS with your restaurant should be high on your priority list. It should be able to provide you with relevant information such as your best-seller, the least ordered item, total sales, and the number of bills generated, among other things. Look for software with added features, like inventory management and staff scheduling, as well to reduce the number of tools you use on a daily basis. 

3. Hire The Right Employees 

Even though you will be reliant on technology to drive your business forward, a human face to your business is crucial. Having the right people working for you could make or break your business. Here are a few pointers that may help you with your next hire: 

● Know what qualities you'd like to be present within your team, 
● Do not rush the recruitment process, 
● Do not offer below par salaries, and 
● Promote from within as much as possible. 

4. Train And Re-Train Your Staff 

If you consider your business to be a machine, your employees are the fuel. Preliminary training is not enough. The existing staff needs to be re-trained in areas that need improvement. Having a team both in the front and the back of your establishment will provide a sturdy backbone on which your business can lean. Here are a few advantages of having a regular training session for your employees: 

● Delivers better customer service, 
● Assists upselling, 
● Improves operational efficiency, and 
● Helps in staff retention. 

5. Refresh Your Menu 

Leverage the data your POS provides and zero in on customer preferences. Once you understand what your customer base prefers, play around with your menu based on that knowledge and keep things exciting. 

Make sure to keep your menu up to date with the current trends, scratch out items that don't sell well, and put up more affordable options to cater to a broader customer base. 

6. Revamp Your Website To Reflect Your Expansion 

In 2020, digital presence is of prime importance. Your website is your digital business card. When used effectively, a great site can help you attract new customers, assisting your expansion. 

However, just like any business tool, merely having a website is not enough. It is imperative to consider things such as load times, effective site navigation, optimizing your website for the mobile phone, etc. 

Your website should, above all else, reflect your brand and set you apart from your competitors while converting your "visitors" to "customers." 

The Journey To Success Isn't A Difficult One 

A restaurant business is one of the most challenging and exciting. As an owner, you have to work with people directly and seek to delight them with your food, staff, and ambiance, among other things. You should always try to make your service more enjoyable for your customer, who would prefer to return to your establishment over others. 

Many of the basic principles remain the same; delighting your customers is the top priority. As long as you keep serving up quality products backed by a robust mix of high human and technological assets, your expansion would be as smooth as you would want it to be!

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